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Tolerance Can Be Tough Sometimes

“I love mankind; it’s people I can’t stand.” Charles Schultz

The creator of “Peanuts” probably was smiling when he said this. But there’s still a lot of truth in it. On balance, people are pretty decent, but that description doesn’t apply to everyone.

I attended a meeting once where a speaker shared: “Stay away from negative people; they’ll just drag you down.” So true.

 Unforunately, you can’t stay away from ALL negative people. You might be related to a few of them. But you can tactfully minimize your exposure to them.

Sounds like advice regarding exposure to radiation, doesn’t it? Well, don’t negative people “radiate” us with their negativity? Minimize your exposure, and teach your children to do it also.

Wisdom from the “Peanuts” Man. And pretty good wisdom at that. 

James Sutton, Psychologist

July 9, 2007 - Posted by | Counselors, Difficult Child, Educators, family, Inspirational, Parents, Self-esteem


  1. True statements. Negatve energy is radiated by people, when we cannot eliminate it, we must monitor our exposure to it and also counter it with exposure to positve energy.


    Comment by tobeme | July 10, 2007 | Reply

  2. Unfortunately, it is too true. You can’t stay away from all negative people, but you can choose how you are going to let them affect you. I discuss this with my grandchildren and we talk about how you have a choice how you are going to be each day and what you are going to let affect the type of day you are going to have.


    Comment by Letitia Weikel | August 12, 2007 | Reply

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